Bright Futures Barrie Grant

Recreation & Community

Applications for the BFB Grant closed at 4pm on Friday, December 6, 2024.

The Bright Futures Barrie (BFB) Strategy, currently under development, will focus on supporting sustainable community programs targeted to individuals aged 6–26 years old that strengthen community bonds and employment prospects, support success at school, and promote pro-social activities such as sports, arts and culture.

The City accepted applications from eligible organizations for the Bright Futures Barrie Grant until Friday, December 6, 2024 at 4pm. The anticipated timing for awarding grant funds is February 2025. The funding period is April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026.

The grant provides funding to stakeholder organizations offering services within Barrie that provide a new or enhanced community-based initiative to support at-risk children, youth, and young adults through prevention/intervention of the root causes of violence including weapons and participation in gangs. 

Eligibility & Criteria  

Funding is available to organizations that provide services within Barrie and have a track record of positive impact. Proposed initiatives needed to be new or enhanced and be modeled after the four key principles identified in the BFB Grant Guidelines.   

If funding for an existing initiative was requested, the organization must describe enhancements that will be provided with the funding. For example: new population served, new delivery model, additional staff support to be able to engage additional participants etc.  

If your request included working in partnership with another organization, for example, a school board, a letter of intent from the partner was required. The adjudication panel will review the application to ensure that the program/initiative is able to be implemented as outlined.​​​​​

Guiding Principles

The awarding of funding to successful applicants through the Bright Futures Barrie Grant is guided by four key principles:


All applications are examined in the context of the Bright Futures Barrie guiding principles and eligibility. Applications for the 2025–2026 funding year are evaluated by members of the City of Barrie’s Community Safety Committee.

2024 Funding

In February 2024, an open call for proposals was issued and 11 community organizations were awarded funding for a total of $570,000 through the Bright Futures Barrie Grant, supporting initiatives designed to help youth experiencing homelessness, struggles in school, addictions, and mental health challenges.